Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Philosophy.

The one constant is change. The one sustainable competitive edge for organizations and people alike is innovation, creativity and productivity that produces value for a client and customer base.
Our philosophy is to network the people and organizations of the greater Vancouver region in group environments both in physical space and in online space to develop the connections, team work and skills that continually foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, creativity to produce value and benifits for people as individuals, for organizations, and the Vancouver region itself.

The philosophy of the Vancouver 2.0 Social Business network rests upon the solid foundation of the latest in organizational science based upon the principles of sciences living systems, complexity economics, learning organizations and the rapidly evolving technologies of social medias.

The genesis of the Vanouver 2.0 Social Business network lies in a greater movement to respond to the challenges and opportunities the 21st century is bringing by creating the kinds of networks of people and organizational models that can innovate and adapt to the global trends.

Empowered employees, supply chains, contractors and client customer bases is one of those global trends that the Vancouver 2.0 Social Business network both drives and helps organizations adapt to these trends. Creating the leaders and social networks that can capture the knowledge and develop the trusted relationships that can create the innovative value for both the business and public organizations is the founding mandate of the Vancouver 2.0 Initiative.

Our natural mission is to continually grow, learn and connect the kinds of knowledge and skills that can drive the cycle of adaptive organizations that can thrive in any conditions the 21st century may bring.

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